Blaguss Slovakia s.r.o.
Pribylinská 10
SK-831 04 Bratislava
Tel.: +421 243 63 72 57
E-Mail: office@blaguss.sk
TAX ID: SK2020280130
VAT ID: SK2020280130
Managing Directors: Hartmut Ziegler, Mag. Thomas Blagusz
Corporate business:
- Retail
- Wholesale
- Intermediary services
- Irregular bus transport
- Operation of a travel agency
- Rental of motorised vehicles
- International irregular bus transport
- Passenger transport with vehicles with up to 9 seats (except for taxi services)
- Special regular bus transport
- Regular bus transport within EU member states
- Non-liberalised regular passenger transport within EU member states
Commercial Register: C-22509/B Bezirksgericht Bratislava I.
Legal form: Private limited liability company
General terms of business: https://slovakia.blaguss.reise/sites/default/files/prepravny-poriadok-blaguss.pdf
Online dispute resolution Art. 14 Abs. 1 ODR-VO: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/
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